Level 1 Workplace/Occupational Health and Safety Training Course
This half-day Ofqual accredited course introduces the student to Occupational Health and Safety (Level 1) delivered by expert Health and Safety Consultants at Wise Monkey H&S in Manchester. The Health and Safety Training course will provide an awareness of key health and safety issues in the workplace, and the part that workers should play in keeping themselves and others free from harm at work.
Who is the Manchester Occupation Health and Safety at Work Level?
- Employees of all levels needing an awareness of health and safety at work.
- New workers required to take Occupation Health and Safety at Work (Level 1) induction training at the start of a new job.
- As part of a work experience program.
Health and Safety Training Manchester Course Overview
The Occupation Health and Safety at Work Level 1 course will give you a basic background and understanding of general health and safety practices and the control measures required to reduce risks in the workplace.
Key Benefits of Health and Safety Training in Manchester
- Ideal induction to a job.
- Provides basic knowledge of what is required to support a safe working environment.
- Develop knowledge of the roles and responsibilities of employers and employees.
- Learn about the importance of health and safety.
- Identify typical workplace hazards and conditions that can affect you at work.
This course is available at our training centre but can be provided in your own facilities if required.
Workplace Health and Safety Training Manchester Courses
Name of Course
Individual Price
Group Price (>6)
Course Duration
Occupational Health and Safety at Work Level 1
1/2 Day
This course is available at our training centre but can be provided in your own facility if required. This would be at a reduced negotiable cost.