Workplace Safety and Emergency Response Health and Safety Training Course
4 Accredited Certificates!
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to provide whatever information, instruction, training, and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of employees whilst at work.
This OFQUAL accredited three-and-a-half-day course outlines the responsibilities that both employers and employees have under health and safety law and effective methods for reducing risk of workplace accidents and injuries.
Throughout the three and half days we will look at the responsibilities and legal requirements, hazards and risks, working equipment, personal protective equipment, manual handling, ergonomics, and workplace emergency procedures such as fire evacuation, provision of emergency first aid, and how to respond to emergency situations. It’s also a highly transferable skill that looks great on any CV!
The course consists of 4 individual sections, with the candidate awarded an accredited certificate for each section successfully completed.
The Four Accredited Certificate Sections Include
Section 1 – Fire Marshal Training
On completion of this section of the course, candidates will be able to demonstrate understanding and outline the principles and practice of fire safety including the principles of fire prevention and the classification of fires and firefighting equipment. Candidates will learn the responsibilities of the fire marshal in preventing and reacting to emergency situations.
Section 2 – Manual Handling at Work
This section of the course will develop the candidate’s knowledge of how to carry out manual handling activities at work by introducing them to the hazards of manual handling, the risks involved and the control measures available to help prevent injury.
Section 3 – Occupational Health and Safety at Work
This section of the course looks at how Occupational Health and Safety supports businesses in their legal obligations to ensure employees are protected from harm. This segment is ideal for those who want to develop knowledge of health and safety issues in the workplace and the regulations for maintaining a healthy and safe working environment. The section will focus on common hazards and how to control them. It will help you work more safely and be more aware of how your own actions can affect the health and safety of others.
Section 4 – Emergency First Aid at Work
This section provides the candidate with the competence to be a ‘nominated first aid support’ where it is determined through a workplace risk assessment that under the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 that first aid cover for emergency procedures is acceptable, such as small or low-risk organisations.
Name of Course
Individual Price
Group Price (>6)
Course Duration
Workplace Safety and Emergency Response
3.5 Days
This course is available only at our training centre.